
© picture taken by Markus Kenderes
© video taken by Tim Napiwotzki
A project we had in our 4th semester in cooperation with the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
The task was to provide a 3D immersive animation with a length of 1 minute and 30 seconds.
The animation should give a positive outlook of the earth's future and how we can impact it. The video was shown in November on the Ten Square Billboard in Singapore. You can find out more about the program on the website: entangled.mediaartnexus.com.
Inspired by the green architecture of singapore and its benefits for the country, we decided to transform the Ten Square into a building with incorporated plants. The plants not only help lower the temperatures of the country, they also offer shelter to animals that lost their natural habitat.
Main Tasks:
- Modeling the grass, ficus leaves and iris
- Texturing of all the assets
- Animating the texture of the hill, the growing flowers, vines and ficus leaves
- Lighting
rendered version

assets used in the project